Otvorene pozicije

USAID Turizam objavljuje Javni poziv za konsultante


Ukoliko imate iskustva u kreiranju novih turističkih iskustava i marketinških kampanja za međunarodno i lokalno tržište, iskoristite sjajnu priliku da kreirate nova turistička iskustva u jednoj od regija:

Sjeverna regija: šira regija Bihaća i Banja Luke
Link za prijavu: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Turizam_North

Centralna regija: šira regija Sarajeva, Zenice i Tuzle
Link za prijavu: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Turizam_CentralArea

Južna regija: šira regija Mostara, Trebinja i Livna
Link za prijavu: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Turizam_South

Prilikom terenskog istraživanja i kreiranja unikatnih i atraktivnih turističkih iskustava, prioritet će imati ona iskustva koja se nalaze duž Vinske ceste Hercegovine i Najljepših sela Bosne i Hercegovine, kao i ona iskustva koja imaju potencijal da postanu “signature experience”.

Pošaljite Vaš CV i motivaciono pismo do 15. juna 2024. godine, ukoliko ispunjavate kriterije u nastavku:

• Univerzitetska diploma ili relevantno dugogodišnje iskustvo u razvoju turističkih proizvoda, marketingu i prodaji.

• Dokazani uspjeh u efikasnom marketingu i prodaji turističkih proizvoda, idealno radno iskustvo u turističkoj agenciji.

• Spremnost na intenzivna putovanja unutar Bosne i Hercegovine za terenske konsultacije i razvoj narativa.

• Duboko razumijevanje dinamike turističke industrije, uključujući najnovije trendove i preferencije kupaca.

• Vještine u SWOT analizi, istraživanju tržišta i konkurentskoj analizi kako bi se identificirale prilike i izazovi.

• Snažne vještine upravljanja projektima, sposobnost vođenja projekata od ideje do realizacije i evaluacije.

• Izvrsne komunikacijske i interpersonalne vještine za izgradnju odnosa s različitim partnerima i zainteresovanim stranama.

• Predanost održivim praksama u turizmu, osiguravajući da razvoj poštuje i očuva lokalne kulture i okruženja.

• Sposobnost bliske saradnje s timom Turizma, pružanje redovnih ažuriranja i strateških uvida.

• Tečno znanje engleskog jezika.

• Validna vozačka dozvola, spremnost na putovanja širom zemlje i organizaciju putovanja i transporta uz podršku Turizma.

Za detaljan pregled opisa radnih zadataka, pogledajte dokument u nastavku:


Intern at Experience Development and Destination Marketing component


USAID’s Developing Sustainable Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Turizam) aims to accelerate economic growth in the tourism sector, which will lead to more jobs, provide sustainable income for producer organizations and tourism-related companies, help to change the “BiH brand”, and have a positive spill-over effect to other sectors; such as agriculture, transportation, and environmental protection. The Activity will fuel broad-based tourism-driven economic growth and promote social harmony by capitalizing on its rich cultural heritage and distinctive nature. It will support the Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) tourism industry to quickly recover from the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and set it on a robust growth trajectory toward a sustainable tourism economy. In achieving this overarching goal, Turizam focuses on the following objectives:  

  • Objective 1: Enabling Environment with the Harmonized Policies and Regulations Necessary for Noticeable Growth in the Tourism Sector Established
  • Objective 2: Tourism Quality, Services, and Branding Strengthened Resulting in Improved BiH Tourism Industry
  • Objective 3: Tourism Service Providers, Agriculture, and Other Tourism-Related SMEs Gain Improved Access to Finance Resulting in a Substantial Increase in Investment
  • Objective 4: Tourism and Agriculture Products Gain Increased Access to Regional and Global Markets


The project intern’s duties will support project implementation, research, communications, and business development. The project intern will provide support to the team in the implementation of the activities that will be agreed upon on a weekly basis and prioritized together with the intern’s supervisor. Internship at the project will provide the intern with valuable exposure to a variety of aspects of working with an experienced team of international development professionals, which will contribute to the sustainability of the project impact through the new generation of business and development professionals.


The project intern will report to the Destination Marketing and Experiences Development Team Leader or his designee.


Intern’ s duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Create event registration forms, invitations, surveys, questionaries, and evaluations of the same.
  • Follow up on event registrations, meeting confirmations, etc.
  • Translating the documentation (ENG/BHS)
  • Update the existing database
  • Conduct desktop research to identify potential signature experiences of Bosnia and Herzegovina and validate details per experience and experience provider (contact details, offering, links to social accounts, etc.).
  • Conduct desktop research across websites, travel blogs, and social media channels to collect high-resolution photos of Bosnia and Herzegovina that could be useful to USAID Turizam for planned promotional efforts.
  • Support the itineraries creations & narrative content development for diverse purposes (Destination Website, Signature Experiences, Herzegovina Wine Route etc.)
  • Follow up on meetings (meeting forms, recaps)
  • Create the infographics and short versions of the documents of importance
  • Updating the list with proof (screenshots, links, etc.) of international agents selling Bosnia and Herzegovina itineraries across their platforms, helping the team to fully the yearly set goals and indicators


This position is located in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


  • Fluent BHS required; fluent English required;
  • A passion for international development, sustainable tourism development, communications and marketing.
  • Strong interpersonal, written, and verbal communication skills
  • An attention to detail and willingness to take on a variety of project

Upload your CV and motivation letter (in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian language) at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Internship_Application by Thursday, December 7, 2023, 17:00.

Announcement: Short-term Digital Marketing Junior Consultant (m/f)

Short-term Digital Marketing Junior Consultant (m/f)

Developing Sustainable Tourism Activity in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Turizam)

Chemonics International, a global consulting and international development firm is seeking short term digital marketing junior consultant for the USAID-funded Developing Sustainable Tourism Activity in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is a five-year program that aims to accelerate economic growth in the tourism sector, provide sustainable income for producer organizations and tourism-related companies, help to transform the “BiH brand”, and have a positive spill-over effect to other sectors, such as agriculture, transportation, and environmental protection and nature conservation. In achieving this overarching goal, Turizam focuses on the following objectives: 
Objective 1: Enabling Environment with the Harmonized Policies and Regulations Necessary for Noticeable Growth in the Tourism Sector Established
Objective 2: Tourism Quality, Services, and Branding Strengthened Resulting in Improved BiH Tourism Industry
Objective 3: Tourism Service Providers, Agriculture, and Other Tourism-Related SMEs Gain Improved Access to Finance Resulting in a Substantial Increase in Investment
Objective 4: Tourism and Agriculture Products Gain Increased Access to Regional and Global Markets

Chemonics is recruiting a short-term digital marketing junior consultant to join our team in the following role:

The Digital Marketing Junior Consultant candidate will backstop Turizam's efforts in supporting local partners, government, public and private sectors in destination and product marketing and promotion through digital and social media channels and platforms locally, regionally and internationally. S/he will be working with the project’s resident digital and social media expert in implementing initiatives that lead to increasing BiH's competitiveness and appeal as an attractive tourist destination. These innovative tourism product initiatives (brands) include: 1) Herzegovina Wine Route, 2) Most Beautiful Villages of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and 3) BiH Online. For each, Turizam has developed a Market Access Plan, and the candidate will work on implementing these plans per the below illustrative activities. Illustrative Tasks and Deliverables for Each of the Brands Include: 

  1. Development and management of visually appealing and cohesive social media profiles that highlight the attractions and offerings that are relevant to each of the three brands on Facebook and Instagram.
  2. Development of social media content strategy and weekly calendars. Content strategy will need to be developed based on identified target audiences, objectives (awareness, interest, conversion/call to action), envisioned results, visual and written content styles and required financial investment for boosting, when required. This will need to include engaging and high-quality social media captions, in English, as well as timely responses to followers’ comments and inquiries.
  3. Editing existing visual content (photos and videos) aligned with each of the brand’s graphic identity and social media template designs.
  4. Development and implementation of website marketing activation plan for the promotion of each of the three brands’ websites, including SEO/SEM activities. This will include regular website updates, monthly campaign concepts that will be developed considering target segments and objectives and include desired tactics as well as desired creative approaches and required content.
  5. Bi-weekly reports using relevant metrics to show results, and use the data and insights to alternate courses of action for greater results, as needed.


The duration of the contract is for six months with a possibility to extend to one year during which the Consultant will be required to work three days a week at Turizam office. 

Qualifications and Experience

  • Degree in marketing, communication or a related field
  • Proven 3-year working experience in digital marketing, ideally in tourism
  • Demonstrable experience leading and managing SEO/SEM, marketing database, email, social media and/or display advertising campaigns
  • Solid knowledge of website and social media analytics and listening tools 
  • Working knowledge of ad serving tools 
  • Experience in setting up and optimizing social and search ad campaigns
  • Strong analytical skills and data-driven thinking
  • Up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in online marketing and measurement
  • Excellent verbal and communication skills in English and Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian.

This position is based in Sarajevo, and the Consultant is expected to work at the Turizam office for the duration of the scope of work. Please click for more information on the scope of work here.
Travel Requirements:
Frequent travel throughout BiH is required.  
Application Instructions:
Please upload a CV, links to relevant portfolio of project(s) and cover letter in English on this link  by October 27, 2023.  Candidates will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled. No telephone inquiries, please. Finalists will be contacted. Chemonics is an equal opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices. 

Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina (Work from office)

Open positions: 1

Date of publishing: 13.10.2023.

Open for the next 14 days (expires on October 27)

Local Consultant for Introduction of Women Empowerment Principles to the Tourism Industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina

About USAID Turizam
USAID-funded Developing Sustainable Tourism Activity in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a five-year program aims to accelerate economic growth in the tourism sector, provide sustainable income for producer organization and tourism-related companies, help to transform the “BiH brand”, and have a positive spill-over effect to other sectors; such as agriculture, transportation, and environmental protection and nature conservation. In achieving this overarching goal, TURIZAM focuses on the following objectives: 
Objective 1: Enabling Environment with the Harmonized Policies and Regulations Necessary for Noticeable Growth in the Tourism Sector Established Objective 2: Tourism Quality, Services, and Branding Strengthened Resulting in Improved BiH Tourism Industry Objective 3: Tourism Service Providers, Agriculture, and Other Tourism-Related SMEs Gain Improved Access to Finance Resulting in a Substantial Increase in Investment Objective 4: Tourism and Agriculture Products Gain Increased Access to Regional and Global Markets

Challenges to be addressed by this consultancy
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is facing significant workforce outflows of tourism workers, including women, and the country is left with few courses of action – improving conditions for the workforce, activating the inactive working age population, and opening the job market to immigrants. In tourism development, BiH has an opportunity to better meet differential needs and expectations of gender diverse tourists and to promote gender sensitive representations of its heritage, which is both smart business and a global commitment at the same time (UNWTO/UNDP 2017). Main issues detected in the most recent and the first BiH Gender Assessment done for tourism sector are:

  • Limited gender mainstreaming and absence of gender responsive tourism development
  • Weak application of antidiscrimination and anti-harassment policies and labor laws in tourism, the non-existent anti-trafficking guidelines or standards for tourism businesses in BiH, exclusion of women workers from social dialogue, and occupational segregation and gender discrimination which lead to inefficient job allocation.
  • Low share of women guides and business owners in outdoors and adventure tourism and unpreparedness for women outdoor travelers and adventurers, including women solo travelers.
  • Low share of women entrepreneurs and women’s lack of collateral and gender-specific obstacles in access to finance, loans, and grants for starting and scaling up their businesses in tourism, crafts, and food processing, as well as aversion to risk-taking.
  • Difficulty reaching tourists for women who run tourism services, crafts, and food processing businesses in rural areas.
  • Undervalued role of women in rural areas as carriers of intangible cultural heritage.
  • City guides’ exposure to abuse and a need to make their training more gender sensitive.

Following the UNWTO Gender-inclusive strategy for tourism businesses, as a guideline that is intended to support private sector tourism enterprises to achieve effective and consistent strategies and programs for gender equality across their operations, and which is in line with The UN Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), Turizam will be promoting WEPs through the awareness-raising activities.  WEPs represent the leading global program for private sector engagement with gender equality and serve as steering framework for the present guidelines for a UNWTO Gender-inclusive Strategy in tourism.
USAID Turizam will be collaborating with UN Women BiH team on disseminating WEPs to the BiH tourism industry and an informal WEPs team will be established consisting of USAID Turizam and UN Women staff. The WEPs team will serve as a sounding board and a coordination mechanism for individual activities, specific to each party. To ensure synergy and higher impact, deliverables and products from this consultancy will be reviewed by the WEPs team, but the final authority will remain with USAID Turizam.

Objective of the Consultancy
The objective of this consultancy is to work closely with an international consultant to provide targeted Technical Assistance (TA) to relevant tourism industry stakeholders (hotels, restaurants, agencies, etc.) to introduce them to the Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs), based on the WEPs introductory process and model developed in cooperation with international consultant. The local consultant will be responsible to work closely with USAID Turizam, UN Women (WEPs team) and international consultant to provide a tailored guidance and support to selected stakeholders, aimed at enhancing gender equality and women's empowerment in their businesses.
Together with the international consultant, the consultant will work closely with the WEPs team and stakeholders to develop and implement effective strategies and policies that foster a more inclusive and diverse workplace, leading to greater gender equity and empowerment. Additionally, the consultant will be tasked with monitoring progress towards achieving WEPs objectives and providing regular reports on the impact of their work.

Specific Consultancy Activities
The Consultant shall work on different tasks, as follows:

  1. Conduct at least two working sessions with the international consultant to familiarize with the WEPs and plan the work dynamics. These working sessions will focus on capacity building of the local consultant, and later be used by the local consultant to support the selected industry representatives introduce the WEPs.
  2. With the support of WEPs team, reach out to and engage with the potential WEPs signatories.
  3. In consultation with the international consultant, prepare materials to support delivery of an engaging presentation that showcases benefits and good practices, aimed at introducing the WEPs agenda and its entire process to the identified hotels (up to 15 hotels). This introductory orientation session will serve to raise awareness on WEPs among tourism business and screen among them those committed to adopting and implementing WEPs.
  4. Support international consultant in delivery of a one-day training session on the implementation of WEPs for the focal points of 5 to 7 hotels. 
  5. Work closely with selected hotels to assess their policies and practices.
  6. Support international consultant in WEPs Action Plan and implementation period development.
  7. Support the development of a WEPs assessment and WEPs Action Plan for hotels based on the assessment of policies and practices. 
  8. Support international consultant in providing relevant content and material for toolkit aiming at the awareness-raising campaigns and Turizam Academy to communicate the importance of understanding the benefits of WEPs.
  9. Support Turizam to introduce short-course training opportunities and online courses on Turizam Academy to promote WEPs.
  10. Organize meetings with WEPs focal points to discuss the WEPs Action Plan and Implementation plan.
  11. Provide summary report on the agreed WEPs Action Plan, Proposed Activities and Monitoring Mechanisms. 10-15 pages.

Reading Materials
The consultant should be knowledgeable about the situation in:

  1. BiH tourism
  2. WEPs implementation and integration
  3. WEPs principles

The consultant shall read, but not limited to, the materials available from the relevant statistical offices, employment bureaus and international projects.
Consultant Qualifications and Professional Experience
The consultant shall have the following minimum qualifications to be considered for this consultancy:
Professional experience:

  • A strong background and expertise in gender and diversity issues, as well as experience developing and delivering gender-sensitive training programs.
  • A background in the tourism industry and experience working with hotels, tour operators, guides, and other tourism-related businesses.
  • Experience working with rural tourism stakeholders, including local communities, tour operators, and governments, to promote sustainable and gender-inclusive tourism practices.
  • Strong communication and training skills, including the ability to effectively convey complex concepts to a diverse group of participants.
  • Familiarity with a variety of training methods, including in-person, virtual, and self-paced options.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program and make recommendations for improvement.
  • Proficiency in relevant software and technology for creating and delivering training materials and conducting virtual trainings.
  • Proficiency in both BHS and English.

Educational Qualifications:

  • A relevant degree in related fields such as gender studies, tourism management or human resources management.

Application Instructions

Please submit a CV and cover letter using LINK option by June 30, 2023. Candidates will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled. No telephone inquiries, please. Finalists will be contacted. Chemonics International Inc is an equal opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices.

Location: Working Onsite, Sarajevo's Office (possibility of frequent travel across Bosnia and Herzegovina)

USAID Turizam Announces Call: Access to Finance and Investment Facilitation Specialist (m/f)

JOB DESCRIPTION: Access to Finance and Investment Facilitation Specialist 

USAID-funded Developing Sustainable Tourism Activity in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a five-year program aims to accelerate economic growth in the tourism sector, provide sustainable income for producer organization and tourism-related companies, help to transform the “BiH brand”, and have a positive spill-over effect to other sectors; such as agriculture, transportation, and environmental protection and nature conservation. In achieving this overarching goal, TURIZAM focuses on the following objectives: Objective 1: Enabling Environment with the Harmonized Policies and Regulations Necessary for Noticeable Growth in the Tourism Sector Established Objective 2: Tourism Quality, Services, and Branding Strengthened Resulting in Improved BiH Tourism Industry Objective 3: Tourism Service Providers, Agriculture, and Other Tourism-Related SMEs Gain Improved Access to Finance Resulting in a Substantial Increase in Investment Objective 4: Tourism and Agriculture Products Gain Increased Access to Regional and Global Markets 
USAID Turizam is looking for a full-time support to join our team in Sarajevo and help us improve tourism financing.If you are a professional with background in the finance sector, ideally have some project-related experience and are excited about creating new financing opportunities in the tourism sector, this is an opportunity for you.
The Access to Finance and Investment Facilitation Specialist will strategize and execute Turizam’s access to finance and investment facilitation portfolio designed to provide solutions to challenges as identified by the project and tourism sector. In this role, the Specialist will spearhead activities to increase access to finance for tourism MSMEs by enhancing banks’ aptitude to promote tourism-focused lending products and improve the ability of tourism MSMEs to access finance. S/he will provide specific technical advisory and coordination support to established businesses and start-ups, facilitate public-private partnerships, and promote tourism investment across the country. The candidate will be a focal point for Turizam with banks, financial institutions, and business development services (BDS) providers.


The Access to Finance and Investment Facilitation Specialist will serve as part of the project team, and will plan, advise on and coordinate program activities related to three key areas as follows:

  • increasing access to finance (A2F) for tourism MSMEs and entrepreneurs in the tourism value chain, 
  • identifying and facilitating investment opportunities and projects in tourism industry, and
  • mobilizing private capital towards sustainable management of public assets through initiation of public private partnerships (PPP).

S/he will build and maintain strong working relationships with financial institutions and other relevant stakeholders. 

The Access to Finance and Investment Facilitation Specialist will assume the role of technical lead within USAID Turizam activities aimed at increasing A2F, investments and PPP in tourism in BiH. This will include business development support to established businesses, MSMEs and start-ups, facilitation of public-private partnerships, and promotion of inward and domestic investment across the country. The candidate will be expected to liaise with other technical components to identify synergies within tourism products and brands (Herzegovina Wine Route, Most Beautiful Villages, Hub&Spokes, and other). S/he will be a focal point for Turizam with banks, financial institutions and business development services (BDS) providers. 


The Access to Finance and Investment Facilitation Specialist will assume the following specific duties and responsibilities:


  • Develop effective working relationships with banks, microcredit organizations (MCOs), and leasing companies, particularly with heads of credit departments and loan officers of the organizations that Turizam has signed the partnership agreements with. 
  • Assess the financial viability of tourism projects and initiatives by evaluating business plans and financial projections to determine the potential return on investment and risk factors associated with different projects. 
  • In cooperation with the Turizam team, lead awareness building of banks and MCOs on the features and opportunities available in the tourism sector to enhance their understanding of businesses in the entire tourism value chain and its associated industries with the objective of increasing the number of loan applications approved.
  • Identify opportunities with financial institutions to modify or introduce new lending products for tourism and related sectors. 
  • Provide support and capacity building to tourism entrepreneurs and project owners to improve their financial literacy and investment readiness. This includes support to formulation of requests for proposals and management of performance of business development services (BDS) providers. 


  • Support the development of a list of investment opportunities and PPPs in the tourism industry. 
  • Help identifying potential funding sources, building partnerships with financial institutions and formulating plans to promote investment projects and to attract investments. 
  • Connect potential investors with viable tourism projects. This involves identifying investment opportunities, promoting them to potential investors, organizing investment events/ meetups/roadshows, and facilitating matchmaking between investors and project owners.
  • Support development of prospectuses and other communication and sales materials.   


  • Provide necessary advice and support for the timely completion of Turizam work plan tasks and the achievement of Turizam goals and objectives.
  • Organize workshops, consulting sessions, focus groups and training activities as needed serving the objectives of the project. 
  • Report and document activities, results, progress, lessons learnt and potential future interventions.
  • Participate in the promotion of the grants program; review grant applications to ensure match with program objectives, as well as the USAID-approved grants manual 
  • Perform other tasks as may be assigned by the direct supervisor to achieve project goals and objectives.


  • Bachelor's degree in economics/finance or other related field, Master’s degree preferred.
  • Five or more years of experience in the consulting and/or banking sector with a focus on business development, investment promotion or access to finance. 
  • Ability to effectively communicate verbally and in writing in both BHS and English with ability to produce publication-quality documents, including reports, manuals, and presentations. 
  • Ability to work in a professional and cordial manner with fellow project staff members, visitors, project stakeholders and the general public.
  • Ability to apply sound project management principles to everyday work, work independently with minimal supervision, to prioritize work assignments, to meet deadlines, and to exercise good, professional judgment that reflects positively on the image of project and Chemonics. 
  • Ability to travel within country as needed, valid driving license preferred.
  • Experience working on USAID projects will be an asset but not necessary. 


Please submit a CV and cover letter by June26, 2023, at the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Job_App_A2F

Candidates will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled. No telephone inquiries, please. Finalists will be contacted. Chemonics International Inc is an equal opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices.

Location: Sarajevo

Number of Employees: 1

Date of Publication: June 1, 2023

Public Call Duration: 25 days (expires on June 26, 2023)

Call for Interns in the Herzegovina Region/Mostar Office

BACKGROUND: USAID’s Developing Sustainable Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Turizam) aims to accelerate economic growth in the tourism sector, which will lead to more jobs, provide sustainable income for producer organizations and tourism-related companies, help to change the “BiH brand,” and have a positive spill-over effect to other sectors; such as agriculture, transportation, and environmental protection. The Activity will fuel broad-based tourism-driven economic growth and promote social harmony by capitalizing on its rich cultural heritage and distinctive nature. It will support the Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) tourism industry to quickly recover from the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and set it on a robust growth trajectory toward a sustainable tourism economy. In achieving this overarching goal, Turizam focuses on the following objectives:

Objective 1: Enabling Environment with the Harmonized Policies and Regulations Necessary for Noticeable Growth in the Tourism Sector Established
Objective 2: Tourism Quality, Services, and Branding Strengthened Resulting in Improved BiH Tourism Industry
Objective 3: Tourism Service Providers, Agriculture, and Other Tourism-Related SMEs Gain Improved Access to Finance Resulting in a Substantial Increase in Investment
Objective 4: Tourism and Indigenous Agriculture Products Gain Increased Access to Regional and Global Markets

Project intern’s duties will include project implementation, research, communications, and business development.
Project intern will provide support to the technical teams and HRD in implementation of the activities that will be agreed on a weekly basis, and prioritized together with the intern’s supervisor.
Internship at the project will provide the intern with valuable exposure to a variety of aspects working with an experienced team of international development professionals, which will contribute to sustainability of project impact through the new generation of business and development professionals.

REPORTING: Herzegovina Region Project Management intern will report to the Herzegovina Region Director

• Assisting Herzegovina Region Director in tasks within Herzegovina Region Director portfolio
• Support maintaining contacts database
• Follow up on meetings (meeting forms, recaps)
• Communicate with the potential or registered attendees for trainings and workshops
• Create event registration forms, invitations, surveys, questionaries, and evaluations of the same.
• Follow up on event registrations, meeting confirmations, etc.
• Assist in implementation of Herzegovina Wine Route activities (set up meetings, draft meeting reports, monitor activities, prepare SM posts, prepare draft segments for monthly reports)
• Assist in implementation of Disabilities Inclusion activities (assist to workshop preparation, monitor activities, prepare SM posts, prepare draft segments for monthly reports)
• Coordinate with other interns on the project
• Communicate with Product development Team and Destination Marketing and Branding Team follow up on the specific tasks pertaining to Herzegovina Region (research, information sharing, meeting set up, assisting in project management)
• Other duties and activities as needed by the team and agreed with the supervisor
• Set up and manage activity tracker for Herzegovina Region Director activities in cooperation with OM intern

DUTY STATION: This position is located in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

• Excellent writing skills (English & BHS)
• Basic IT literacy & willingness to master new apps and tools
• Ability/willingness to work up to 40 hours a week
• Ability to perform under pressure
• Proactive attitude and attention to detail
• Team player

 Send us your CV and motivation letter (in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian language) at info@turizambih.ba  by Monday, February 2, 2023. at 8:00 a.m. CET.